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来源:肿瘤药学 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-06-29

【摘要】:Rebecca 1)sailed through childhood with a minimum of 2)fuss, the usual scrapes, few illnesses and wonderful academics. Michael didn’t sail. He skipped, ran, hopped, rolled, 3)teetered and bounced. The only things he liked about school were

Rebecca 1)sailed through childhood with a minimum of 2)fuss, the usual scrapes, few illnesses and wonderful academics. Michael didn’t sail. He skipped, ran, hopped, rolled, 3)teetered and bounced. The only things he liked about school were 4)recess, lunch and sports. Mike loved to climb trees, the higher the better. Afraid of scaring him and causing him to fall, I have calmly talked him down, while my heart was in my throat and my knees 5)felt like jelly. No 6)scolding,7)spanking, or any

文章来源:《肿瘤药学》 网址: http://www.zlyxzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0629/1433.html


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